Friday, February 18, 2011

List #7: Internet Writing

Great writing on these fine intertubes that you nice people may not know about:*

* In other words, I'm not going to pretend to tell you about xkcd or Order of the Stick.  Heck, you may know about these too.  I can't read your minds, you know.

(5) Matt Taibbi's Political Blog.  Kind of a borderline insane, much much MUCH angrier version of Michael Lewis.  He takes extreme stances, kind of for the fun of it, but generally along lines that I think he does more or less believe in.  More importantly for the present purpose, he is an exemplar of the enraged political rant writing style* and is great fun to read.**  He also has one heck of a fascinating personal publishing back story.

* see also: Glenn Greenwald, who is rather more erudite but less fun.

** Unless you're a hard-core Republican, I guess.  But I wouldn't think that many of those would ever be likely to read this.

(4) The Oatmeal. A treasure trove of particularly random cartoons making use of an oddly warped sense of humor.  I'm particularly fond of the infographics.  Also successfully persuaded Tumblr to use his non-commissioned art for their 404 error page.

(3) Nathan Rabin's Work at AV Club.  Due credit to @e_dawg69* for the initial referral to this one, but I very quickly became hooked.  Rabin is a pop culture guru, along the lines of Chuck Klosterman but more downscale in his tastes.  Best known for his My Year in Flops series, devoted to re-watching movies that were colossal failures upon their original release,* he also has a fantastic run reviewing the Now! That's What I Call Music annual compilations, as well as various and sundry other wastes of time.

* The eponymous book, which contains the best reviews from the site and considerable additional reviews, is highly recommended.

(2) Joe Blogs. The blog of Joe Posnanski, who is generally acknowledged as the best sportswriter currently working.  While that should be enough for any sports fan, there is a ton here for non-sports fans also, and the most important thing is that he's just a damn good writer, whatever he's writing about.  A couple of recommended posts that non-sports-fans should still like:  A quasi-review of Universal's Harry Potter World, a deconstruction of the Hawaii Chair Infomercial, and a musing on the individual meaning of pop music.

(1) Hyperbole and a Half.  Random, infrequently-updating blog based on the personal anecdotes of the writer and her extremely crude stick-figure drawings.  And the funniest damn thing I've ever read in my life.  I absolutely dare anyone to read any of her top posts and not just about freaking wet themselves.  Now, maybe her sense of humor just speaks to me, but if you don't at least find those posts amusing, you are an inhuman monster, incapable of love.

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