Tuesday, February 8, 2011

List #1: The First Ten List Ideas That Come to Mind

(1) My favorite uncompleted and semi-abandoned projects.  How long until this joins the list?

(2) Best Concerts I've Attended.  Not that I go to alot of concerts, but you know...  Sometimes I wish I was more outgoing.  Or didn't have to wake up quite so early.  Or just wasn't as lame, generally.

(3) Reasons for Starting a Blog.  It has to be more than just random time wasting, right?  Maybe there's something in my tragic past!  Or it could just be a boring need for approval and pats on the head.  Or maybe I enjoy tossing words into the void.  Ooooh, the suspense.

(4) Top 100 Songs.  Sadly, this will not be as hard to come up with as you might think, as I have this kind of sorted already.  And update it regularly.

(5) Best Super Powers.  Even better than the ability to run kind of fast and then get tired!

(6) Books I'm Currently Reading.  A depressingly long list.

(7) TV Shows I'm Familiar With Only Because I'm a Parent.  My sensibilities are undoubtedly warped and sad, but many of these are actually good shows.  Of course, some make me want to rip my eyes out and stomp on them.

(8) Reasons Why My Job Is Great.  Wait, is job satisfaction uncool?  Dammit.

(9) Ranking of Hogwarts Houses if Hogwarts Actually Existed.  Ranking them by the books is far too boring: Gryffindor is #1, Slytherin is #-28, and Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are irrelevant.  But if there was a Hogwarts but no Harry Potter....

(10) Places My Friends Should Move.  I know they're always looking for my advice and counsel.


  1. I wonder if anyone spent as long as I did trying to click those underlined titles. "Tom would never waste our time without having the underlying lists complete, would he?"

  2. Wow, now I wish I had done that on purpose as intentional misdirection!
    Also - hey, an actual comment on my blog-like-thing! You're encouraging me!!!

  3. I admit I clicked once, maybe twice. and then just wandered away, cursing Tom's name (you know, like usual).

  4. I also clicked one or two, pondered whether the Sparkster was messing with us, or just didn't know how to format links, and then fell back on wishing (for the, like, krillionth time) that I had the ability to shoot Magic Hate Lasers from my brain -- you know, kinda like Darkseid's Omega Beams.

  5. I do wonder if anyone actually clicked on the links in post #2.....
