Monday, March 7, 2011

List #13: TV Shows

Time to fall back on an old reliable: TV shows that I actually watch regularly.*  I'll rank these not by how much I actually typically enjoy them or look forward to a new episode**, but by how confident I am in recommending them to you, my adoring audience.

* There are, admittedly, some shows that I due rather like that nevertheless fail to meet this criteria.  Chuck and Fringe, for example, are both consistently good but for one reason or another I've allowed myself to fall way behind on my TiVo homework.  Burn Notice, Bones, and CSI also fall into this category.

** Thus avoiding some personal embarrassment at how high some of these shows might rank.

(7) NCIS.  Yeah, I know.  But it's so very watchable formulaic crap.  The acting isn't going to blow anyone away, but it's better than you would expect for a show of its type, the plots are somewhat less outrageous than would be typical for this kind of thing.  Don't judge me.  Stop judging me!!

(6) The Amazing Race.  Nominally edutainment (due to the world travel and periodical cultural highlights), this is really just a fun contest/race.  It's generally well edited to keep the tension going and there is enough film of the various teams to let them show their character - watching a "do-anything-to-win" pair get trounced by a nice team is extremely satisfying.  Basically, if you have any interest in the "contest" group of reality shows, it's much fun.

(5) House, M.D.  House used to be higher on my list, and Hugh Laurie is still every bit as excellent.  The formula is starting to wear a bit thin for me after 7 seasons though - there are only so many unique medical mysteries that can occur in New Jersey before I begin to get suspicious.  Maybe if I begin to think of House as a Münchhausen-by-proxy character, deliberately seeding bizarre freakish diseases throughout the area so that he can "solve" them.....

(4) In Plain Sight.  Classic flawed heroine, interesting but not ridiculous cases, office politics but no overarching evil conspiracy.  Well written, well-acted, just an excellent show all around.  And while it's yet another law-enforcement drama, there is not exactly a long history of shows about the US Marshal Service's witness protection agents.

(3) Castle.  Nathan Fillon.  Enough said, but the show is true to his (and my) aesthetic.  If you have any doubt, watch this clip and tell me this show isn't better than every other procedural out there.  Funnier and yet also more realistic* than any other cop show currently running.

* There are still accepted TV "reality" boundaries of course.  Only a certain amount of grittiness is allowed in prime-time network TV, and this is definitely a light-hearted show.  But at least they don't regularly use magic** to solve crimes.

** A brief digression for those of you who watch Bones: I like the show, and of course I'm a fan of David "Angelus" Boreanaz.  But every episode, the artist character who has somehow also become an amazing computer programmer makes a vital contribution by making 8 keystrokes and creating a 3D model of the dead body and the exact angle and speed of the death blow, etc.  It happens every episode and it was ruining an otherwise solid show for me, and eventually I had to just accept that that character was a wizard from the future and that she was using magic.  Yes, the only way to watch the show is to accept that a wizard did it.  I suspect that many other shows have the same issues (eg I know that actual forensic scientists can't stand the way that there is always some insanely rare fabric trace or pollen that only exists in one 200-foot area involved), but it's so blatant in Bones that it was really driving me crazy.

(2) Archer.  One of the best damn things I've seen on television ever, bar none.  Just be absolutely sure that the kids are sleep or otherwise out of the house first.  Freaking hysterical, in a terrible, terrible way.

(1) Justified.  Unique-but-realistic characters in tense short-term and long-term situations in backwoods Kentucky.  Perfect Elmore Leonard*.  All of the principle characters a frakked-up enough to be extremely interesting but not totally unpredictable, and the viewer knows enough of the back story to see why things may be unfolding the way that they are, but not enough to truly see what's coming.  The best show on television.

* The series is based on his books and he's a consultant on the show.


  1. I'm definitely with you 100% on 1 and 2. The rest? Not so much.

  2. I'm so with you on NCIS. I haven't seen much this season, probably because Hawaii 5-0 is filling the fluffy "cops" niche for me at the moment. But there was a good 2 years where i was completely addicted, watching both current episodes as well as getting sucked into USA's 3-in-a-row blocks on a regular basis. Really the only thing that would get me to turn the channel is realizing that it was a Kate episode.

    [oh, and I'm ashamed to admit how many episodes of Burn Notice are waiting patiently on my TiVo for me...]

  3. EEB: While you're obviously getting the most important items, I definitely recommend Castle to you in the highest possible terms. It's silly an disposable, but Nathan Fillon! And general fun, too.

  4. megastoat:

    Huzzah, I'm not alone in being outed as an NCIS fan!

    What, pray tell, is wrong with Kate? Hrmph. Zeva is great and all, but I still miss Kate.

    Hawaii-5-O is in the "acceptable if I want background noise" group for me with stuff like Criminal Minds. The eps I've seen were just a little too pat for my taste.

    I have the same Burn Notice issue. I think I have 11 eps of homework right now. It's not like the 28 Chucks I had built up before I finally purged the oldest ones, but still.

  5. Kate just rubs me the wrong way -- the character has no sense of humor (or if she's supposed to, I just don't see it). Plus, the current team has obvious affection for each other all around; I never bought that Kate actually liked her team all that much.

    H50 is pretty and things blow up. and danny cracks me up. That's really all i need from a show.

    I think i've got somewhere around 30 Burn Notice eps built up. maybe i'll skip AZ and just stay home and watch it for a week. :) I had a similar situation with Chuck before the previous TiVo died and thus freed me from watching the eps I had built up. I hope that the current TiVo doesn't get similar ideas, because I'd also lose a season of Leverage...

  6. Awwww, now, give Kate a chance! You need to see one of the more Kate-centric episodes like SWAK or even Twilight. I think they were really meaning to go the same route interpersonally with her that they are with Zeva (which makes sense, as Kate only went away because the actress wanted out of the show).

    No arguments on H50 on the blowing-stuff-up-real-good and Danny-humor fronts. I like it fine, too, just not up to NCIS.

    Ye Gods, what have I become.

    Tried to watch a Burn Notice last night after this conversation, but it was so heavy on built-up backstory that I hadn't seen for so long that I could barely even follow it. Not a good sign for every going back and catching up....

    Leverage is also silly, goofy fun.

  7. No Human Target??? Top Chef???

  8. H50 makes me think "why the hell am I not in Hawaii right now?" Which is both fun and depressing.

    I don't feel like there's a ton of stuff we're watching and liking right now. Castle, HIMYM, Top Chef, Fringe, Burn Notice, Bones, Bourdain, Glee. Human Target may be the only thing on the bubble (I guess the Cape, though whatever).

    Oh, and then there's Top Gear.

  9. Unit Designate 31da9d74-4a01-11e0-b922-000bcdca4d7a:

    Human Target never grabbed me, honestly. Watched a couple eps, it was cute, the F/X weren't particularly good, the characters didn't stand out. Nothing against it, but it hit the same category as H5O for me - fine to have on, but not worth seeking out. I put it one rung below, say, Covert Affairs.

    Top Chef is good, but has been subsumed within so many other cooking reality shows for me - America's Worst Cooks (surprisingly captivating), Chopped, etc etc. They're all fine, but they are so ubiquitous that I don't need to seek one out when I'm in the mood for that sort of thing.

    As far as reality show omissions, I really should have included Project Runway, which is awesome, and Big Brother, which is assuredly not awesome but is an incredible spectacle as you watch the contestants slowly go totally mad.

  10. Tobers:

    The scenery in H5O is darn impressive. I will note that people living in California should not expect much sympathy from the rest of us in that regard, however.

    Glee is on my radar screen after finally watching the first two (great) episodes. Need to find the time to catch up.

    The Cape? Really?

  11. Toby, the reason you aren't in Hawaii right now is because it is THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE ON EARTH.
    Speaking as a former resident, I have no idea when Honolulu became the murder capital of the world, but after watching H5-O I certainly get that impression. My god! You can't even go to Waikiki without gunfire! Love watching that show with Eric, because he spends most of the hour yelling at the television. As much as I love Justified, Eric + Hawaii 5-O is the best hour on TV for me right now. (Without Eric, well, it's just a dumb show.)

    I agree with you about Justified, also because unlike, say, Steve McGarrett, Raylan is a badass but he's not perfect (since his real life is a total mess). I like that a lot about him. McGarrett is just too perfect for me. Which is probably why I'd say Tim Olyphant as Raylan Givens is about the hottest thing on TV right now. It's not his looks, it's the attitude. (And the hat). Though after that episode where the sharpshooter US Marshall took out that guy holding the pregnant woman hostage....damn. Also, unlike James Marsters on 5-O, the villains on Justified are, well, very complicated. Still can't decide if Boyd was a convert last season or just a really sneaky sob.

    Can't get into Castle, I don't get Nathan Fillion at all. HIMYM (for NPH), Modern Family, Archer, and (only for me, not for Eric) Rupaul's Drag Race/Toddlers and Tiaras are my must watch TV.

    Also, have you ever watched Vanguard on Current? That's just an outstanding show, though occasionally they're less than excellent. (Documentary on Cuba, I'm talking to you).

  12. Meredith:

    You know what, now I'm thinking that we should somehow find some H5O and be sure to watch it in Arizona. I yell at the damn TV on that show too, and while my blood pressure tends to be lower than E-dawg's, we could have quite the shout-off.

    It's all the attitude for Raylan for me. He is the Socratic ideal of The Man.

    I'm also still not sure about Boyd. Heck, I'm not sure that Boyd is sure about Boyd. Have y'all been watching Season 2 yet?

    You....don't get.....Nathan Fillon? I'm not sure I can process that sentence. Are we talking about the same Nathan Fillon?

    NPH is awesome, and HIMYM is amusing, I'm just not generally much into sitcoms. I'll watch it, usually with interest, if it's on, but I never seek it out. Same with Modern Family and Big Bang.

    To my knowledge, I've never even heard of either Vanguard or Current. Wait, is Current Al Gore's channel? I will try to check it out.

  13. Eric would definitely increase the quality of any TV program. Probably inversely to the actual quality of the program.

    Plus, anybody who hasn't concluded that Princeton-Planesboro isn't the most dangerous place on earth is probably wrong :P

  14. As for The Cape, no, not really. Which is weird. All the ingredients are there for it to be a pretty good show and yet, for some reason I can't identify, it just hasn't jelled.

    Not likely to matter, though.

  15. the more I think about it, the more I'm down with my House-in-causing-this theory. The statistical likelihood of that many serious-and-freakish diseases and disorders in one place is beyond infinitesimal. And, of course, he's more than enough of a bastard to be doing that.

    I can testify from decades of glorious personal experience that watching Eric have a "No Way, That's Freaking Ridiculous" freakout is twenty times more entertaining than any TV show (aside from maybe Archer or Justified).

    The Cape just sounded lame to me from the start. I don't think they had the attitude right, and the reviews were deadly. Has it been cancelled yet?

  16. Yes, Current is the Al Gore network. Some of the stuff on there is awful, some is funny (like pretty much anything involving Brett Erlich)and some is really above and beyond the so-called "journalism" that you see on network TV. Vanguard is generally outstanding in that regard, and most of the correspondents are very astute. I'm especially fond of anything with Adam Yamaguchi or Kaj Larson, who may in fact be the baddest-ass real person on TV right now. (Kaj is a Harvard graduate, Navy Seal, and actually volunteered to be waterboarded on TV for a Vanguard episode. The guy who waterboarded him was all, like, most people last five minutes or less. Kaj lasted TWENTY-EIGHT or something insane like that. That's some badass stuff right there.)

    Also, watching the first episode of the Cape with Eric was awesome, but I wouldn't watch any more episodes, despite his amazing commentary.

    I still hold with my WTF when it comes to Nathan Fillion. Do. not. like. Sorry!

  17. American network TV journalism? Didn't we used to have that in the 50s or something? I feel certain that I've not personally seen anything like that in my lifetime.

    Been meaning to check out Current on general principle. Will definitely look into Vanguard.

    Nathan Fillon is the guy who all the girls want and all the guys want to be. I cannot compute anything contrary.
